Over 750 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 thanks to a second vaccination blitz hosted by the GraceKennedy (GK) Group in collaboration with the Private Sector Vaccination Initiative (PSVI),at GK’s Harbour Street headquarters in downtown Kingston on November 2, 2021.

The event targeted GK team members and their guests, with many of the participants in the blitz being GK’s frontline team including factory workers, merchandisers, sales personnel, and promoters. GK contractors, members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force attached to the Kingston Central Division and residents of the communities surrounding GraceKennedy’s offices at Harbour Street were also vaccinated.

GraceKennedy Group CEO Don Wehby (right) interacts with a participant at the GK vaccination blitz at the Company’s headquarters in downtown Kingston on November 2. The blitz was a collaboration between GK and the Private Sector Vaccine Initiative (PSVI) and administered COVID-19 vaccines to over 750 people.


A participant in GK’s vaccination blitz gives the thumbs-up after receiving his COVID-19 vaccine on November 2. He was one of over 750 persons who participated in the GK’s second vaccine blitz, which invited GK team members, their guests, GK contractors, members of the JCF and residents from communities surrounding the Company’s Harbour Street headquarters.

GK Group CEO, Don Wehby stated how pleased he was that GraceKennedy could facilitate vaccination for so many members of the GK family, “I am really happy to see so many people here today. Some I haven’t seen in such a long time because of COVID-19. We really must work together to help our country and the world get past this pandemic. I fully support taking the vaccine and urge all Jamaicans who can, to do so. It is so critical that we protect each other from COVID-19, and I have pledged to do all I can to help the GK team get vaccinated.”

Dwayne Brown, a merchandiser with the GK subsidiary Consumer Brands Limited (CBL) receives his vaccine at the GraceKennedy vaccination blitz on November 2, 2021. The event, which saw over 750 people receiving COVID-19 vaccines targeted GK team members and their guests. Many GK frontline workers including factory workers, merchandisers, sales personnel, and promoters were vaccinated at the blitz.

Of the total number vaccinated at GK’s second blitz, 145 people received their first dose of the COVID-19 AstraZeneca or single dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine. The remaining majority were those who had received their first dose of the Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine at the Group’s first vaccination blitz on September 7.

Wehby continued, “Of the 570 people who participated in our vaccination blitz in September, 400 had received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, and have been anxiously awaiting their second dose. So, the moment we confirmed that the vaccines had landed in Jamaica last week, it was all systems go for our second blitz. We have been encouraging our team to get vaccinated by hosting virtual sessions with health experts and sharing testimonials from those who have already been vaccinated. There are also a lot of one on one conversations about vaccination happening in our businesses so that we can get everyone on board.”

A participant registers with a volunteer at GK’s second vaccination blitz on November 2 at the Company’s downtown Kingston headquarters. Over 600 participants in the blitz received their second vaccine dose (Pfizer or AstraZeneca) with the remainder receiving their first dose (AstraZeneca and J&J)

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020, GK has prioritized protecting its team against the virus and developing protocols to guide its response to the pandemic. In January 2020, the GK COVID-19 Steering Committee was established which has been spearheading many initiatives across the Group, including the two recent vaccination blitzes. GK has also made significant contributions towards Jamaica’s COVID-19 response including multi-million-dollar donations towards the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the island’s healthcare workers and ventilators for the public health system. GK has also distributed care packages and meals to frontline workers and vulnerable groups through its Foundations and subsidiaries, both locally and overseas.

Frank James, CEO of GK Foods – Domestic (standing) chats with Roshane Palmer of Hi-Lo Food Stores (seated in blue). Roshane was among the over 750 people who participated in the GK vaccination blitz hosted on November 2, 2021 at their headquarters in downtown Kingston.


GraceKennedy’s General Counsel & Chief Corporate Secretary, Gail Moss-Solomon (right) with a member of the Private Sector Vaccine Initiative (PSVI) team at the GK vaccination blitz on November 2. Mrs Moss-Solomon was one of several GK team members who volunteered at the blitz.