We’re All In This Together Their hands are not joined (due to social distancing), however this group is definitely working together to help provide relief from COVID-19 to those in need. From left are Shelton Rose, Business Development Manager- National Division, GraceKennedy Foods (USA) LLC; US Congresswoman Yvette Clarke; Anita Taylor, Brooklyn District Director; and Cecil Henry, Pastor of the Calvary Community Church. The occasion was a delivery of Grace and La Fe food product which was donated by GraceKennedy Foods (USA) LLC to 12 churches last weekend, including Calvary Community Church, in the New York Metro area. As part of its COVID-19 response, GraceKennedy Foods (USA) LLC has teamed up with Congresswoman Yvette Clarke and Jamaica Consul General Alison Roach-Wilson to provide food to over 5,000 persons in need.